And let us consider one another to encourage us to love and good works; not failing to gather together, as is the custom of some, but exhorting one another; and all the more, as you see that day approaching.”
(Heb 10:24-25)
Born in the Lázaro Cárdenas Colony, in the east of the city of Guadalajara Iglesia del Señor Jesucristo, support and column of truth.
It begins in Guadalajara on CESI Church Planter Training Center.
Under the evangelistic vision of CESI and coming from the Iglesia del Señor Jesucristo, support and column of truth. The Salazar Gutiérrez couple starts a cell in the Lomas del Sur subdivision, in the municipality of Tlajomulco de Zúñiga.
Land is acquired in the communal area known as “El Camichín” or “Lomas de Latillas”, place where the construction of the first temple under the name begins House of God Church and with the motto For everyone who believes in Jesus Christ, to show that the project is interdenominational.
The second temple begins activities House of God Church in the community of Lomas de Tejeda, which over time will become an independent Church.
The third temple is born House of God Church in San Pedro Tlaquepaque, under the complement 8 de julio Las Amarillas, in the San Sebastianito area, formerly Tulitos. In the same year, the procedures began before the Directorate of Religious Affairs of the Ministry of the Interior for the legal constitution as Religious Association under the Law of Religious Associations and Public Worship, as well as the Regulations of the aforementioned Law.
Iglesia Casa de Dios, Jesucristo, Puerta Real, fourth temple of the organization House of God, whose area of influence includes the Puerta Real, Real del Parque and Colinas del Desarrollo subdivisions in Tlajomulco de Zúñiga, begins its evangelistic and pastoral work.
The fifth temple begins House of God Church, in the Colinas del Roble subdivision, next to Clinic 180 of the IMSS, known as Robles; In the same year, the Valle de Tejeda subdivision sees the beginning of the Iglesia Betesda; both in Tlajomulco de Zúñiga
Iglesia Betesda; It adheres to House of God Church, thus becoming the sixth temple of the organization, changing its name to Iglesia Casa de Dios Betesda, Valle de Tejeda.
Iglesia Casa de Dios, 8 de julio, Las Amarillas changes his name to Iglesia Casa de Dios, El Alfarero.
The General Directorate of Religious Affairs, a dependency of the Ministry of the Interior, accredits under the Constitutive Registration Certificate number SGAR/5010/2023 the character like Religious Association of the organization House of God, under legal name “Iglesia Casa de Dios, for everyone who believes in Jesus Christ” merging into a single name and motto, reiterating the evangelical interdenominational vocation of the Church.
The Iglesia del Señor Jesucristo, support and column of truth., mother church and sender of the project House of God, adheres to the coverage of the newly established Religious Association thus being the seventh corporate temple. To date and after the separation of the temple of Lomas de Tejeda, Casa de Dios Church, for everyone who believes in Jesus Christ, A. R. It is made up of six temples of evangelical confession, which work under a clear and defined objective: “Fulfill the Mission and Vision that the LORD JESUS CHRIST has entrusted to his Church.”